Dylan Stankievech

Dylan Stankievech

Software Developer

Contact Me

About Me

I'm a software developer living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I have a broad range of experience, including production React / Node webapp, C# Desktop Applications, Typescript CLI, and a React / Go service

When I'm not worrying about lines of code, I like to spend my free time playing Nintendo video games, and Beethoven songs on piano.

Latest Projects

Pokemon Randomizer

Pokemon Randomizer

A simple express server to generate random pokemon

Dylang Programming Language


An experimental programming language implemented using Java

Charting Tool

D3 Tests

A simple tool to import csv data and display in a chart, with export to PNG functionality

Other Projects

Bad Test Finder

A Typescript CLI to help find mocha tests that could be improved, eg: large, slow, or flaky tests.

View on GitHub

Typing Practice

A C# desktop application used by myself to practice typing and to learn the DVORAK keyboard layout.

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Cookie Survey

A simple C# application that I used to automatically fill out online Subway surveys to help me get free cookies. I used this program to get 1000+ cookies for free during my years at university.

View on GitHub

Work Experience

Build and Tooling Engineer - Resolver (Oct 2019 - Present)

Helped setup tooling to enable other developers with their day to day tasks. Primary projects included a Typescript CLI, and a React / Go service. Experienced with AWS, terraform, Gitlab pipelines, npm, yarn, monorepo tooling, eslint, and mocha.

Full Stack Developer - Resolver (June 2015 - Oct 2019)

Worked as a full stack developer for multiple production applications. Primary project was a React / Node microservices web app, with postgres, redis, elastic search, rabbitMQ, and grpc. Other projects included a C# WPF desktop client and WCF web service, with experience in database locking, transaction isolation levels, authentication, sessions, caching, and service clustering.

Junior Software Developer - University of Alberta (2013 - 2014)

I worked as a junior software developer for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta. My main responsibilities involved helping develop a Discrete Event Simulating desktop application written in C#.