Build and Tooling Engineer - Resolver (Oct 2019 - Present)
Helped setup tooling to enable other developers with their day to day tasks.
Primary projects included a Typescript CLI, and a React / Go service.
Experienced with AWS, terraform, Gitlab pipelines, npm, yarn, monorepo tooling, eslint, and mocha.
Full Stack Developer - Resolver (June 2015 - Oct 2019)
Worked as a full stack developer for multiple production applications.
Primary project was a React / Node microservices web app, with postgres, redis, elastic search, rabbitMQ, and grpc.
Other projects included a C# WPF desktop client and WCF web service,
with experience in database locking, transaction isolation levels, authentication, sessions, caching, and service clustering.
Junior Software Developer - University of Alberta (2013 - 2014)
I worked as a junior software developer for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta.
My main responsibilities involved helping develop a Discrete Event Simulating desktop application written in C#.